
Family Assist

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Key Achievements of Marici M Corneli and Voice of the Child (VOC) in the Last Decade

Founding of Family Assist (Early 2010s)

  • Established Family Assist, a pioneering organisation providing comprehensive support for families in transition, focusing on child advocacy and family law guidance.
  • Developed key training programs in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution for legal professionals, mediators, social workers, and other professionals who focuses on child-inclusive practices and child participation in family disputes.

Launch of the Voice of the Child (VOC) Initiative (2015)

  • Spearheaded the Voice of the Child initiative in South Africa, focusing on giving children a platform to express their views in legal matters such as custody and divorce, according to the Children’s Act 38 of 2005.
  • Trained a network of VOC Practitioners to work with children in legal contexts, ensuring their perspectives are considered in family law cases.

Training and Certification of VOC Practitioners (2015-2024)

  • Led training programs for over 200 VOC Practitioners, equipping professionals across South Africa to support child participation in legal and family settings.
  • Collaborated with leading legal bodies to promote child-focused practices in family law courts, expanding the adoption of VOC methodologies.
  • Training provided to FAMSA and all individuals involved in the Court project during that time.
  • Officially launched the VOC course and made it available to the public for enrolment in 2018, initially providing it as in-person training at our offices.
  • Initially the VOC course was offered as one-on-one training to our first group of VOC students in 2018, and we then transitioned the course to an online
    e-training course and made it available on the Family Assist online e-training platform, which students enrol for and complete online ever since.

Expansion of Family Assist’s Influence and National Reach (2016-2024)

  • Grew Family Assist’s influence by partnering with legal and psychological professionals to implement child-focussed approaches in Alternative Dispute Resolution and mediation.
  • Enhanced the visibility and adoption of child rights education by conducting workshops and seminars for practitioners, judges, and educators.

Development of Educational Resources for VOC (2018-2024)

  • Created accessible educational materials, manuals, and workshops for professionals and families, focusing on children’s rights, emotional well-being, and the legal importance of child participation in family matters.

Publications and Thought Leadership (2018-2024)

  • Several articles written by Marici M Corneli for the De Rebus.
  • Authored and published the book “I Want To Tell You” aimed at providing guidance and helping children whose parents are undergoing divorce or separation. This book, which is integral to the VOC initiative, was launched in 2020.
  • Numerous articles and blogs published, and continued to be, about VOC on several platforms.

Collaboration with Legal Institutions for Child Advocacy (2017-2024)

  • Worked with South African courts and legal professionals to incorporate child-inclusive methodologies in family law cases, helping to influence legal policies on child welfare.
  • Regularly invited as an expert to provide insights on child advocacy in family law conferences and training programs for mediators and lawyers.

Advocacy and Lobbying for Child Rights (2019-2024)

  • Played a crucial role in advocating for child-focused policy changes within the family law sector, pushing for more widespread acceptance of child participation in court proceedings.
  • Contributed to the national dialogue on child rights through media campaigns, partnerships, and collaborations with government and non-governmental organizations.

Introduction of Vocational Training for Child Welfare Professionals (2020)

  • Introduced vocational training programs for social workers, family counselors, and mediators on integrating child participation into family law disputes.
  • Expanded the reach of these training programs to rural and underserved communities, ensuring equitable access to child advocacy training.

Partnerships with Schools and Educational Institutions (2021-2024)

  • Built partnerships with schools to raise awareness about children’s rights, emotional health, and the importance of active listening in educational environments.
  • Engaged in outreach programs aimed at educating children about their legal rights in family matters and promoting mental wellness.
  • Provided in-class VOC training at the North-West University (NWU) for three consecutive years from 2022.
  • Provided virtual-classroom VOC training to the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).

Ongoing Development of Voice of the Child Centers (2024)

  • Initiating the establishment of Voice of the Child Centers to provide dedicated spaces for children to safely express their views in family and legal matters.
  • Appointed several VOC Practitioners trained and certified by Family Assist who practices at our VOC centres.
  • Currently seeking sponsorships and public-private partnerships to expand VOC centres  access and provide widespread child participation services across the country.

These achievements showcase Marici M Corneli’s commitment to child advocacy, ensuring that the Voice of the Child initiative continues to impact family law and child welfare across South Africa.


Adv. Chris J Maree

Senior Advocate

Children’s Act & Parenting Plans

Marici M Corneli

Court Annexed Mediator, Writer, Speaker

Mediation, Mandates & Processes

Minke Saayman

Child & Family Therapist / Clinical Social Worker

VOC Techniques, Methods & Kids Skills

Jolene Jansen van Vuuren

Voice of the Child Practitioner

VOC Framework & Guidelines

Marianne Kruger

Clinical Psychologist

Neurodiversity, Special Needs & Children’s Behaviour

Michael Powane

Social Worker

VOC Feedback & Report Writing

Marni Du Plessis

Voice of the Child Practitioner

Teaching Children Self-Regulation & Kids Art

Voice of the Child Practioners understand that a child’s voice matters!

VOICE OF THE CHILD is an interactive engaging instrument utilized to understand a child’s world and views in any matters pertaining to divorce or change of their circumstances.

Voice of the Child is an instrument used to determine how a child experiences his/her world at a specific moment in time and was implemented in accordance with the Children Act 38 of 2005.

It enables practitioners and families to work towards an amicable solution in matters pertaining to the care, contact, guardianship, and maintenance of a child. We use the Voice of the Child with its combined techniques, observing the child’s view of his / her current world and his / her interaction with his / her surroundings and influential environment.

Used as part of the Child-Focused Collaborative Process trademarked by Family Assist, creating a safe environment in which a child will have the courage to verbalise and share his / her experiences within his/her world.

The VOC Practitioner has a responsibility to listen attentively to the child’s voice, and to then echo the child’s voice when providing feedback to the parents, without adding any form of self-understanding or your own conclusions.


Voice of the Child Training at North-West University.

Who should attend the Course

  • Psychologists
  • Counsellors
  • Social Workers
  • Anyone in a similar field working with children
  • Play Therapists
  • Teachers


Upon completion of this course, you will receive a certificate as an acknowledgement that you are a Voice of the Child Practitioner (please keep in mind that practical experience is crucial before you will be able to Practice as a Voice of the Child Practitioner.

19 CPD points are available for Social Workers

For more funding options

Online Training

And Why We Offer It

There is a shift towards a more interactive, collaborative approach in online training where the instructor’s role is changed to “the guide on the side.” Online distance learning meets the needs of an ever-growing population of students who cannot or prefer not to participate in traditional classroom settings.

These learners include those unable to attend traditional classes, who cannot find a particular class at their chosen institution, who live in remote locations, who work full-time and can only study at or after work, and those who simply prefer to learn independently.

The minimum requirement for students to participate in an online course is access to a computer, the internet, and the motivation to succeed in a non-traditional classroom.

Online courses provide an excellent method of course delivery unbound by time or location allowing for accessibility to instruction at anytime from anywhere.

Learners find the online environment a convenient way to fit education into their busy lives. The ability to access a course from any computer with Internet access, 24 hours a day, seven days a week is a tremendous incentive for many of today’s students.

It is important to understand that:

• Increased responsibility for learning belongs to the student
• Motivation for learning comes from successful completion of your Q & A and other assignments

Why We Do What We Do

Why Do We Provide Training?

Passion & Knowledge

We share our passion to share our knowledge and years of experience in the mediation field and to assist with supervision and skills development in the industry

Positive Change

We aim to be the influencers of positive change. To fulfill this vision, we want to build a network within the field with likeminded professionals who also wish to bring about positive change


We want to engage with young mediators from multi-disciplinary fields to help build their skills and their confidence in their working environment going forward

Family Focussed

We are committed to developing family focussed mediation. We want to ensure that the best practices and ADR concepts are being practiced at all times