
Family Assist

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Voice Of My Child’s Heart

And How Family Assist’s Divorce Process Works

Step 1 – Coaching, pre-guidance and pre-mediation

Step 2 – mediation which includes “Voice of the Child”

Step 3 – Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Parenting Plan from mediator to attorney

Step 4 – Attorney: drafing of court documents, family advocate approval and/or registration of prenting plan, court appearance and orders

Step 5 – Post divorce: Implementing parenting plan and moving on, counselling for family, help from financial planners


For the best interest of the children the Voice of the Child concept is advised to understand the child and his/her capacity.

  • To understand the child’s world and all the role-playing systems;
  • The child’s socio-emotional functioning within these systems;
  • To hear the child’s emotional experience of these systems


Through Objective evaluation by a professional V.O.C Practitioner.

Parents meet with professional regarding “Voice of the Child”.

The professional that will speak to the children will give feedback to the parents in the mediation and together as a team tehy will consider the elements on the table and custom make a parenting plan.

Protecting your children from harmful exposure to anger, confrontation and messy details of their parents’ divorce is priceless. 


Integrating the necessary recommendations and interventions with the parenting plan. That serve the best interest of the minor child to avoid further litigation (Section 7(n)) or exposure to further chronic parental conflict


Creating a roadmap to establish guiding principles which will assist in reaching the eventual goal of acting in the best interest of the minor child/children involved


Establishing a positive environment to restore broken families and healing the hearts of our children

More Valuable Information

At Your Fingertips

Support Options

Support options with regards to Life Coaching, Parental Coordination, Counselling, Post-divorce, Maintenance, Reunification with parents, and Co-Parenting Guidance

Mediation & Parenting Plans

The services of an independent, neutral mediator to facilitate the discussions between parents to settle their disputes amicably

Divorce and Separation

If you are going through a divorce or separation, read more about what role mediation can play to suit your needs